The standard process of fitting hearing aids includes diagnosing the hearing loss, selecting and fitting the most appropriate hearing aid for the individual, verifying the electro-acoustic performance of the hearing aid in the patient’s ear, and validating that the hearing difficulties have been addressed or resolved. In our clinics this is accomplished within a 2-3 month trial period, after which an individual makes a determination as to whether they would like to keep the instruments or return them to the hearing clinic.
There is a general notion that the fitting process is complete once this trial period is done and a patient is satisfied. In my experience, this is just the beginning of a patient’s journey. Rehabilitating hearing has much in common with rehabilitating a muscle. In order to obtain maximum benefit from hearing instrumentation – and avoid instruments from ending up in a drawer – it is necessary to monitor and improve hearing performance over time. Unlike glasses, hearing aids can be reprogrammed to accommodate a change in prescription. In addition, modern instruments are technologically loaded and there are many tools available to use when needed. Follow-up services at our clinics are included at no charge to those who purchase hearing aids. My advice to those who have hearing loss and want good hearing performance – choose an Audiologist and clinic with whom you can establish a good long term working relationship with and remember to make use of your follow-up services.